Do You Need A Salt Lamp To Offset Positive Ions?

Do You Need A Salt Lamp To Offset Positive Ions?
I have to confess that I am a Himalayan Rock Salt lamp addict! These lamps are a nice decorative item for your home, but more importantly, they also have health benefits. 

Do You Need a Healthy Vacation to Help You Heal?

Do You Need a Healthy Vacation to Help You Heal?
Take a break – not only from your hard work, but also from worry, anger and other forms of emotional excitement that affect the elimination process. 

Gratitude Can Help You Be Healthier

Gratitude Can Help You Be Healthier
What would happen if we extended the tradition of giving thanks throughout the entire year instead of just during this holiday season? 

Can A Walk In The Forest Make You Healthier?

Can A Walk In The Forest Make You Healthier?
I believe that connecting with nature is an important part of our multifaceted approach to health, and this is supported by a number of scientific studies over the last several decades. 

Positive Mindset and Nutritional Imbalances: Are They Connected?

Positive Mindset and Nutritional Imbalances: Are They Connected?
Everything in your life affects everything else so you must be aware of what you’re thinking – both positively and negatively. 
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