Stay Healthy This Winter

Stay Healthy This Winter
Does it seem like everyone around you is getting sick? You can stay healthy this winter with these immune-boosting tips. 

Why You Should Dry Brush

Why You Should Dry Brush
Did you know that the skin is the largest eliminative organ of the body? If the skin becomes clogged and the pores choked with millions of dead cells, uric acid and other impurities must remain in the body or attempt to find an alternative route of elimination. 

To Diffuse Or Not To Diffuse?

To Diffuse Or Not To Diffuse?
I truly believe that every home should have an essential oil diffuser! Diffusing essential oils is a powerful way to get all the benefits of the essential oil, especially for the mind and spirit! 

Healthy Gardening with Essential Oils

Healthy Gardening with Essential Oils
Maintaining a weed-free, pest-free garden can be a challenge, especially when you are committed to NOT using herbicides and pesticides loaded with toxic chemicals. 

Why Oral Health Matters

Why Oral Health Matters
Did you know that there is a connection between your oral health and your overall health? In some cases, oral problems can be a symptom of certain diseases, such as diabetes. Research has also linked gum disease to heart disease, premature birth, and even knee arthritis. 
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