Are You Stuck in Sympathetic Dominance?

Are You Stuck in Sympathetic Dominance?
If we are stuck in the Sympathetic Dominant state, we are never able to rest, digest and heal. 

Spring Cleaning The Dynamic Duo

Spring Cleaning The Dynamic Duo
Although you want to take care of your organs throughout the year, it’s a good idea to provide additional support during the season that each organ responds best to. For the liver and gallbladder, spring is the best time to cleanse and build this dynamic duo! 

What Can a Hair Mineral Analysis Reveal?

What Can a Hair Mineral Analysis Reveal?
Hair analysis is helpful in determining your metabolic type, assessing the levels of the major toxic metals in the body and assessing the stages of stress. 

What Contributes to Mineral Imbalance?

What Contributes to Mineral Imbalance?
Nature is all about balance, and the human body is no different. When one system is out of balance, it causes a reaction in the body that can cause illness 

Healthy Benefits of Foot Reflexology

Healthy Benefits of Foot Reflexology
Foot Reflexology is an ancient method of therapy that has some great health benefits....
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